Staying Cool in the Summer

The dog days of summer are here! Many of us are beginning to wonder if the cold harsh winter was really THAT bad but nonetheless we are trying to enjoy the fun these summer months have to offer. More time spent outside, at the pool, or local park as the temperatures creep up requires a constant effort to keep cool. Globs of sunscreen, a wide brimmed floppy hat, and light weight clothing are essential to skin care and sun protection. Long sleeve clothes made of thin, lightweight material are perfect this time of year as they not only protect baby’s sensitive skin but also keep them cool. A hat to keep the sun off his face, sunscreen with a substantial SPF, and cute baby sized sunglasses are all essential to an enjoyable and safe day outdoors.

Hydration is also important, if you child has mastered the sippy cup fill it with water or if they still drink from a bottle that works too, nothing beats water on a hot day. Many days when we don’t have time to head to the neighborhood pool we use the blowup baby pool on our deck. Fill it with several pitchers of sink water, a few pool toys (his favorite is the colorful, stackable cups) and he’s entertained. Before purchasing the blow up pool we used a plastic laundry basket to serve the same purpose. Fill the basket with a few inches of water and it’s perfect for cooling off.

Heading to the beach? Don’t forget an umbrella to shield the sun. If you child isn’t old enough to brave the ocean try bringing the blowup baby pool, filling it with a few buckets of ocean water and he has himself his own splash area. To serve the same purpose you could also improvise with an old shower liner, dig a shallow hole in the sand, lay the shower liner on top and pour in some water. A perfect way for baby to enjoy a day at the beach!

By Jessica S.
BabyChatter Contributor