Being a mother for the first time can be an exhilarating and stressful experience. Preparing for motherhood can also be a daunting task. You are exhausted from the changes taking place in your body but you still have to prepare for your baby’s arrival. Everything from building a nursery to starting your baby’s college fun is likely on your itinerary. To help you sort through the items that must be completed we have listed three ways you can prepare for your new baby as a first time mom.
A newborn care class
As a mother, it can be terrifying to not know how to properly take care of your new born. Learning how to change a diaper properly, breast feed, and swaddle your baby can be overwhelming. The last thing you want is to try to figure these things out after you have your baby. Instead, join a newborn care class during pregnancy to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for the task that await you on the other side of maternity.
Chose the proper birth plan
Many babies are now born via elective delivery. This is where a mother chooses the delivery date for personal reasons. However, there are several different birth plans for you to choose from. It is important to analyze your options and choose which one best suits your situation. If you have a healthy pregnancy then more options will be available. Remember, however, that full-term pregnancy is 39 weeks and it is crucial that your baby have plenty of opportunity to form in the womb.
Practice relaxation techniques and get plenty of rest
New mothers are often overwhelmed by the lack of sleep they are able to get after their baby is born. In order to prepare for your child’s birth, sleep as much as possible and practice relaxation techniques. Deep breathing will help relax your body and prepare it for delivery. It is important to practice these techniques as early as possible in order for them to become automatic.
Becoming a mother is truly a blessing, and although it may sound terrifying most of what is necessary to be a good mother comes intuitively. Good luck and enjoy your new baby.