Submitted by Bhoomi P.
I read all the stories in Baby Chatter website and couldnt resist myself without sharing ours’ story.
Being from Indian origin, we have to name the baby as per Zodiac sign on that specific date baby is born. So we were not decided with the name until the baby was here. We already knew that its a girl, so we sorted out 12 names with 12 different alphabets. On the special day we knew that we have to name her from “R” ot “T”. We came up with 4 names, Rutu, Reetisha, Taani and Rashi. The release day from hospital had come but we still was not sure about the name. We will ask all the nurse and doctor visiting us to read those names, as we dont want them to say it in a funny way. Somehow we came up with Riana and left the hospital. I dont know how that twist in the story had happened. But I think my husband suggested me and I thought of “Go with the flow” as it was already too late. But wait for the climax of the story. While we were leaving the hospital, the nurse came with us to drop us downstairs and asked for the baby name.. She said “Oh Riana! how lovely, she is going to be a singer han!!!” I dont think we hate the singer but somehow it turned us off. The moment we entered our home, my husband was so much upset with the name and I think more with that lady’s comment. He is like “its too common , and not an indian name, etc. I think he didn’t like that anyone will hear the name and say oh the singer Riana! I know that her name spelled differently, but still. He is too confused and want to go back to hospital and change the name. If the hospital has already submitted the documents to apply for SSN then its too much trouble to change the name and all. But we got lucky. My husbnd asked my opinion about the name and rushed back to hospital just to change the name. LUCKILY, they did not submitted the paperwprk as it was saturday evening. Yes and he changed the name to “TAANI”. Yes we named her TAANI and it mean worth praising. As much as we love the name, we love the story too.
* Other than possibly simple corrections to spelling, baby naming stories are posted as they received and are not edited by