Tag: naming stories
Baby Name Stories
The reason I chose my baby’s name is because I loved the name Mia right from the start. The reasoning behind her middle names is because Alice is my …
Baby Name Stories
There is a history in my family of using names from other generations. So naturally, I felt compelled to take the same route with my daughter. Guinevere was named …
Baby Name Stories
Zacchaeus means “clean, pure” and is a Hebrew-origin name. Every parent likes to think of his child as new, unblemished and perfect. In a larger sense, we also want …
Baby Name Stories
When I was growing up, my brother and I were inseparable. At only 13 months apart, we were growing, learning, and experiencing life together. We had the same friends, …
Baby Name Stories
When we found out we were having a boy, we looked through baby name books. We never really found anything that we liked. My husband and I did agree …
Baby Name Stories
It is one of those stories of naming a baby that you might just say wow really. It all came about when my boyfriend and I were living with …
Baby Name Stories
When I had my older son I had picked out girl named before I knew he was a boy. It was going to be Francesca Rose after my grandparents. …
Baby Name Stories
Our third child was on the way and both her elder brother and sister wanted to have a say in choosing her name. The only thing my wife and …
Baby Name Stories
Our second daughter’s name came fairly easy. We wanted to keep the tradition of middle names being family-related so we had Myron on the backburner for quite some time. …
Baby Name Stories
Icey Ann Perry this name has great meaning the I stands for Isiah and the C Cain. Brother’s and best friends. Isiah passed away in a auto accident. A …