Tag: naming
Baby Name Stories
My dad (Victor) and my grandma (Gloria) were my favorite people in the world. After they died, I decided that I wanted to name my future children after them. …
Baby Name Stories
My husband and I didn’t put much thought into naming our baby. We weren’t planning to find out the sex until birth, so I wanted to wait until the …
Baby Name Stories
My youngest daughter was a surprise because we were taking precautions to not get pregnant until I fully healed from the last c-section. The last delivery went bad due …
Baby Name Stories
My second daughter was a struggle during much of my pregnancy. I almost miscarried with her at three months when I began bleeding profusely and had to be rushed …
Baby Name Stories
When I was pregnant with my baby, absolutely convinced I was having a boy, it was assumed I would name him after his father, Douglas Sanford Harrington and he …
Baby Name Stories
My first child was an acrobat in the womb with her spinning somersaults on the ultrasound screen. The doctor could keep a solid heartbeat on the monitor, so used …
Baby Naming Topics
The naming baby process takes a lot out of parents. You want to find the perfect name that you feel fits your child, but you are not certain where …
Baby Name Stories
My first pregnancy I was set on having a girl, didn’t even THINK of any boy names. Just like a pregnancy craving, I guess, I was feeling the letter …
Baby Name Stories
When I found out I was having a little boy, I had no clue what I was going to name him. I had only thought of girls’ names up …
Baby Name Stories
My first child, I was 17 and I was sure he was going to be as bad as I was so I named him Damien for his first name …